Personal Financial Agreement Client(and/or) Entity Name(s)LIQUID ASSETS:Checking/Savings Accounts Gross Total:Mutual Fund and Stocks Accounts Total:Retirement, IRA, & 401K Vested Total:NON-LIQUID ASSETS:Auto's/Boats/Machinery:Real Estate Total Gross Value:(# Of Properties Owned)Private Notes Due IN: MM slash DD slash YYYY Miscellaneous Other Assets(Type)TOTAL ASSETS: +(1)LIABILITIES:Credit Card or Unsecured Debt:Mortgage Loans Outstanding Total:(# Of Mortgages Owed)Auto/Boat/Machinery Loans:Private Notes Owed:Miscellaneous Other Debt Owed:(Type)TOTAL LIABILITIES: -(2)NET WORTH: = (1 Minus 2)ESTIMATED ANNUAL INCOME:Standard Employment Income W-2: (Annual)Self-Employment Net Income: (Annual)Real Estate Owned Net Income: (Annual)Interest and Dividend Income: (Annual)Other Income: (Explain)TOTAL ESTIMATED ANNUAL INCOME:Client SignatureDate MM slash DD slash YYYY